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Ringside MD


Product Visual Designer 




4 weeks


RingsideMD is a private health organization based in Toronto, Canada

Our task was to redesign their business-to-business website that offered onsite healthcare clinics to workplaces.  With careful research and multiple meetings, we were able to pin down ideas and bring the website to life.


We started our research by interviewing the client and primary stakeholders. It was important to fully understand the goal of this website. 

After collecting enough information from the client we began our user interview process. We interviewed 10 individuals and found that 60% had onsite healthcare clinic at work. The other 30% were not open to the idea. 

After careful examination of the data, it was evident that most individuals from that 30% did not trust workplace doctors enough to give them a chance. Based on this we concluded that creating a sense of trust with the user was one of the key goals of our design.


The client wanted to allow provide onsite healthcare clinics to their customers. 

  • Onsite health clinic is not an industry standard for Canadians

  • It takes time to earn Canadian employees trust


Our task was to create a portal that would allow business to provide onsite healthcare clinics directly in their workplaces.

  • Focus on increasing awareness for B2B

  • Build trust with the first visit


Ringside MD needed to showcase a feeling of strength, accountability and professionalism.  The mood and branding needed to reflect this spirit to the user. From the imagery and colours to the shapes and fonts, we developed the project to be in line with the core elements of a company looking to establish itself in the corporate health landscape.



The idea behind the logo was to combine the main elements in the Ringside MD name.  A medical cross symbol representing healthcare, and the company name’s first letter “R” are combined, representing the “Healthcare in your corner” slogan.



The client already had chosen a basic blue and orange colour palette.  We took these base colours and added various shades to each in order to better reflect the mood and identity of the brand.






We selected two fonts as part of the brand’s identity.  Futura for the header as it clear and concise, followed by a more pleasant and relaxed Nunito font for the body.  


Light & BOLD


Light, Regular & BOLD


The icons played an important role for navigation and for the communication of key features of the company.  For this reason we selected vector art and symbols for their clarity and universal language.

Final Design.

We set out to achieve the goal of creating a responsive website that would showcase the business to business health services that Ringside MD was offering.  Through research we narrowed down what, why and how our user interacted with the product. Through design we implemented this knowledge and created an attractive, informative and problem solving product.


Let's Get in Touch!

Find me on LinkedIn or send me an email.  You can also check out my resume.

Designed by Paniz Parandakhteh

© Paniz P. 2019

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